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Assassin'S Creed Odyssey Medusa

Assassin's Creed

THIS-IS-SPARTA! Assassin's Creed Odyssey lead will encourage you find all the secrets, tombs and collectibles. resolved walkthrough and maps contain tips to main and side quests, including Ainigmata Ostraka, tombs, documents and ancient tablets. Check as a consequence our trophy guide.

The lead for Assassin's Creed Odyssey will be in you every the secrets and collectibles hidden in Ancient Greece. Our walkthrough contains descriptions of all side activities, such as solutions to Ainigmata Ostraka (ostracons) puzzles, exploration of the tombs or fights upon the Arena. Also, here you can locate descriptions of every main and side quests. Check our maps if you want to see everything that ancient Greece has to offer.

A guide for such big game bearing in mind Assassin's Creed Odyssey requires a detailed walkthrough. Here, you can gate roughly every the main and side quests, including side comings and goings later than tombs. This means that our guide will not unaccompanied back up you perfect the entire credit disconcert and unconditional the most difficult quests, but next learn every the secrets of the newest Assassin's Creed game. Our walkthrough plus includes important choices curtains in determined quests. The most important choices and their result have a dedicated page.

The best tips are marginal ration of our guide that will back up you afterward the game. Assassin's Creed Odyssey is full of content and it offers complex gameplay mechanics. Starting tips is a fine place for the beginners - there you can learn just about the combat, exploration, stealth, winning Conquest battles or travelling on the order of the world in the manner of your ship.

Secrets and collectibles chapter contains a long list of the collectibles along subsequent to locations of the biggest and most challenging secrets. Check out this chapter if you desire to beat Assassin's Creed Odyssey in 100%. This section is full of useful pictures that will urge on you locate even the most well-hidden secrets.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey in a nutshell

10 fast starting tips

Important choices


Secrets, Tombs and Ainigmata Ostraka documents

I have a misery and I'm looking for answers

Trophy guide and achievements

Controls and system requirements

Assassin's Creed Odyssey in a nutshell

This particular installment in Assassin's Creed franchise, developed by Ubisoft, takes place in ancient Greece. Odyssey introduces a lot of further features, i.e. players can choose their character's gender, they can create in-game decisions etc. The latter is what truly distinguishes Odyssey from further installments.

We can accomplishment as either Alexios or Kassandra - they are both grandchildren of king Leonidas. During our journey, we will meet with, i.e. various historical characters such as Herodotus, Hippocrates or Socrates. The gameplay is now closer to an RPG game - it's a sandbox considering setting press forward system, experience levels and choices.

10 quick starting tips

1. try to accumulate as much loot as practicable - pick up gold (drachmae), resources, other weapons and pieces of armor. You can sell purposeless items or dismantle them to get crafting materials. attempt travelling during nighttime - items are easier to spot during this daylight epoch (they shine). Revelations facility is next useful because it allows you to "scan" areas. Items can be collected even afterward you are riding upon a horse. save pressing the contact button in the same way as you are riding on your horse to gather together every clear treasures.

2. Don't get attached to your gear. In Odyssey, an item's level is its most important stat. Even a scarce purple or gold item can become worthless in the same way as your air gets a few levels. Upgrades at a blacksmith are costly for that reason attempt to limit them isolated to your main weapon. In further cases, you should focus on getting gear from quests and exploration. For example, a blue level 20 item can create you much stronger than a purple or gold level 15 item. scarce and the best items or truly important in the endgame part.

3. Use every opportunity to execute wild animals. You can get a lot of Soft Leather, one of the most important crafting materials. The game has an fascinating mechanic where the bigger animal you hunt, the more skins you get. substitute advantage of hunting animals is that killing predators and destroying their nests rewards you similar to XP.

4. Forts, camps and military facilities should be infiltrated during a night. Odyssey, just bearing in mind Origins, gives you the complementary to eagerness taking place grow old by pressing one button. Enemies have a condensed arena of view during the night which is obliging behind you desire to sneak in this area them. What is more, some of them will go to sleep. You can go more or less them or use this opportunity to slay them in sleep. attempt to truth every mission objectives while you are infiltrating forts and enemy bases - you will get more XP or new rewards. You should afterward look for raid supplies. Steal their content back you burn these chests.

5. Spend your first few facility points upon supple abilities. AC: Odyssey gives you an opportunity to unlock a few powerful sprightly abilities during the first few hours. Check out Bull hurry (unblockable charges), Sparta Kick (knocks a intend assist - stand upon a rooftop or near an edge to get the best effect), Predator Shot (a much more powerful violence following your bow) and Second Wind (spend adrenaline to heal during a fight). later you acquire every four of them, you can think very nearly unlocking a few passive skills, i.e. those that bump Assassin or Hunter damage.

6. Grey items should be dismantled, blue and purple should be sold at a blacksmith. Don't carry any grey items to a blacksmith, these items are worth forlorn a few or a dozen of drachmae. It is improved to dismantle them in your inventory. Sell without help directionless blue and purple weapons and pieces of armor. every item from both of these categories is worth a few hundreds of coins.

7. Visit every the discovered tombs. They are unique locations that can come up with the money for you taking into account supplementary skill points. study them to level occurring faster without the obsession of waiting until you accomplish a further level.

8. Check a level of all foe you desire to attack. You can have problems if their level is far ahead than yours. Here, your best answer is to govern away and go help here similar to you level up. Remember, that in AC: Odyssey enemies' levels scale happening as soon as yours. It is impossible to have an advantage of 5-10 levels. This means that you have to update your gear to see eye to eye your current level.

9. Not every ask markings are displayed on the map. You should be au fait later than them thanks to Origins but this mature the game won't display them every like you visit a new region. The best solution is to ride upon your horse through an entire region. The game adds further ask markings next you acquire closer to those locations (you have to be just about 400 meters away from them). try to check every the markers. lonesome then the game will display the list of events clear in that location (i.e. killing a commander, finding chests, destroying achievement supplies). Locations that can find the money for you in imitation of loot or a huge amount of XP are your priority.

10. Not all assassination end similar to the death of your target. AC Odyssey features even more resistant enemies than Origins who can survive an assassination or a shot from a bow (even subsequently you hope at their head). You can check an enemy's level even since you raid them - taking into consideration their health bar isn't unconditionally in red after that it means that this foe will survive an assassination. Invest in abilities (active and passive) that will present you admission to more powerful attacks.

Check our pages dedicated to Combat, Stealth, environment innovation system, Travelling and Conquest.

Which profundity level should I choose?

Complete the prologue (during which you play a part as Leonidas) to be clever to pick your complexity level. The game offers four levels. normal is recommended for your first playthrough. hard and Nightmare require you to use the right abilities and to recognize care of your gear (weapons and armor). A obscurity level can be misrepresented at any narrowing of the game. substitute fine instruction is that the game doesn't have any trophies/achievements connected to the complexity level. You can get the Platinum trophy by playing upon the easy.

Besides difficulty level, you also have to choose in the middle of Exploration and Guided Mode. In Exploration Mode the game won't discharge duty you a marker afterward a new objective. Instead, it will give you a few hints upon where you should be heading (i.e. a fort located south, near a village). This mode still allows you to use Ikaros. Also, the game gives you the unconventional to switch in the company of the modes.

Important choices

Assassin's Creed Odyssey is the first game in the series that features a mechanic where players can create their own choices and see their consequences. The game has several key moments where players can make choices that will have an impact upon the in-game world. We have prepared a page dedicated to these choices - there, you can quickly learn just about alternate paths and consequences.

Important choices in chapter 1 - Check this page to, i.e. learn virtually the first out of the ordinary the end during the prologue, not quite the substitute almost the fate of Talos and the choice ended during the meeting as soon as Odessa.

Important choices in chapter 2 - Check this page to, i.e. learn about the marginal of killing or sparing the Wolf of Sparta. This different determines whether you will meet an important setting innovative or not (you can get right of entry to an new series of quests).

Do important choices have a significant impact on the gameplay in Assassin's Creed Odyssey?

This is not a question that can be easily answered. Some important choices in the game have long-term consequences and may, for example, bring you closer to a specific ending of the game or present you in imitation of a inadvertent to start side quests. upon the further hand, the main storyline in AC Odyssey has a top-down course, which does not bend drastically as a upshot of every second decisions.

Throughout the game, you have to make just about a dozen of important decisions, which bring your hero closer to one of the good or one of the bad endings of the game (AC Odyssey has 9 endings in total). The first important choice of this type is to slay or depart an important NPC alive at the stop of the second chapter. Decisions may plus have a swap impact upon the additional stages of the game. For example, not killing a person from chapter 2 opens his or her unique quest origin later.

All supplementary decisions from the main and side quests realize not have a significant impact on the supplementary campaign. Choices in these tasks can achievement the type of rewards you receive, the availability of new side quests in your region, or the hero's membership gone the NPCs you meet.


We have prepared various high-resolution maps from which you can learn where to find quests, secrets and collectibles. These maps will then incite you find side activities. upon our maps we have marked important collectibles: tombs, Ainigmata Ostraka documents, lookout towers (eagles - synchronization points), rock tablets and even romances. Thanks to them you will easily locate yourself in the vast world of Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Our World Atlas is an important allowance of the guide - use it wisely.

Kephallonia Islands Map - the map of the first location in the game. We have described the most important places in Kephallonia Island such as Itaka or Odysseus's Palace. We did not forget very nearly Sami Village. Kephallonia Island is furthermore the first area where you will locate three collectibles, Ainigmata Ostraka documents - Marko'ss Vineyard, Melissani Cave and Odysseus's Palace. then here you will discover your first rock tablet and begin an affair similar to Odessa.

Megaris - Megaris is the second island you will visit. Here you will learn not quite the mechanics of conquest, raid the fort and visit the first tomb in the game. Our Megaris map shows every the most important activities.

Phokis - Phokis is the third island, and at the thesame time much larger than the two previous ones. That's why the Phokis map will be useful during exploration. We marked here, of course, a tomb (Tomb of the First Pythia), two Ainigmata Ostraka documents and 4 stone tablets. In Phokis you will along with start 3 romances: taking into account Auxesia, Lykaon and Daphnae.

Abantis Islands map

Andros map

Argolis map

Hydrea map

Keos map

Lokris map

Malis map

Melos map

Neksos map

Paros map

Seriphos and Lestris maps

Secrets, Tombs and Ainigmata Ostraka documents

Our lead for Assassin's Creed Odyssey afterward contains descriptions of the in-game secrets and collectibles and unique locations. Here, you can locate tips on how to unlock them all. Learn how to find ostracons (Ainigmata Ostraka), they replace the papyruses from Assassin's Creed Origins) and learn solutions for the puzzles found upon ostracons. Our lead will also incite you when exploring the tombs - their descriptions can be found on surgically remove pages (paths that lead to them as with ease as their locations are every marked on the maps).

Ainigmata Ostraka

Guide to Ainigmata Ostraka documents contains all the collectibles you can find in AC Odyssey:

Kephallonia Islands - Locations of every ostracons on Kephallonia Islands along later than solutions for their puzzles.

Megaris - Locations of every ostracons upon Megaris along in the same way as solutions for their puzzles.

Phokis - on Phokis Island you will locate ainigmata ostraca documents: Pressed for mature and A Specific General.

Malis - on Malis Island you will find one Ainigmata Ostraka document - Hearth and Earth.

Lokris - in Lokris you will locate one Ainigmata Ostraka document: Red Aroma.

Abantis Islands - there are two Ainigmata Ostraka documents upon Abantis Islands: all for pardon and Beneath Theseus's Dreams.

Attika - five Ainigmata Ostraka Documents ware waiting for you in Attika: Backstage Pass, Killer View, Elbow Greece, Geat's sharp and exploit Eagle.

Korinthia - stone and Roll and stone chilly are two Ainigmata Ostraka documents in Korinthia.

Argolis - in Argolis you can locate three Ainigmata Ostraka collectibles: The Floor Is Lava, Two of Clubs and An Arm and a Leg.

Naxos - on Naxos Island you can find lonesome one collectible - resolute Mule.

Pirate Islands - Pirate Islands consist of two islands - Seriphos and Keos. You can locate two Ainigmata Ostraka documents here: Blue Eyed Beauty and Smoke Signal.

Obsidian Islands - on Typhon's Crown is without help unidentified you can unlock on Obsidian Islands.

Arcadia - Arcadia is a big region. Here you will locate 4 documents: uncommon Disease, interest Horsing, gardening Coin and gorgeous Tooth.

Abantis Islands - on those two islands (Eubea and Skiros) you will solve two ostraca riddles: A treaty for pardon and Beneath Theseus's Dreams.


Tomb lead to Assassin's Creed Odyssey consists of every tombs found in the game. We've delivered a walkthrough for each task compliant to visit the tombs:

Megaris - Locations of all tombs upon Megaris along next descriptions that will allow you to attain Ancient Stele.

Phokis - Tomb of the First Pythia.

Argolis - Agamemnon's Tomb and Pheidon's Tomb.

Abantis Islands - Artemision Tomb upon Eubea Island.

Attika - Tomb of Eteokles and Mycenaen Tomb of Ajax.

Naxos - Giant Heroes Burial Ground.

Paros - Alkaios Tomb.

Arcadia - Waterfall of Styx and Tomb of the Daughter of Atlas.

Southern Sporades - Tomb of Polybotes.

Silver Islands - Tomb of Brizo.

I have a burden and I'm looking for answers

Check the questions listed under if you want to know more virtually Assassin's Creed: Odyssey. There, you can find a lot of tips and answers to key questions all but the game. More topics can be found in the FAQ chapter.

How to acquire crafting materials? - Resources are important. Without them, you won't be nimble to rearrange weapons or armor. This page contains lists of every crafting materials along like their locations.

How to heal your character? - In Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, your setting can't heal themselves during battle (at least not by default). admission this page to learn how to harmony next this problem (i.e. by purchasing a special completion that allows you to replenish health).

Which abilities should I buy first? - AC Odyssey has a few utterly useful and compliant abilities. This page contains our suggestions on abilities that can be unlocked after a few hours in the game.

How does the crime system perform in the game? - Breaking the acquit yourself can have terrible consequences. This chapter contains tips upon how to avoid bodily detected even though you are committing a crime and what you should accomplish like someone has caught you red handed and you are chased by bounty hunters.

How to unlock engravings and how to area them on weapons and armor? - Engravings can give bonuses to your items. This page contains counsel on how to unlock engravings and how to apply them by visiting a blacksmith.

Can I use a shield in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey?

No, there are no shields in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey. The game features compound enemies as soon as shields but your setting can't use these items. Instead, the developers have introduced a parrying mechanic. You can use this upset by pressing L1+R1 (PS4) or LB+RB (XONE). Use parry similar to your enemy has started their attack. A thriving parry interrupts an enemy's attack and makes them vulnerable to yours. Also, the game informs you virtually the true use of this have an effect on by showing sparks (see the characterize above). Always use a unplanned to antagonism vulnerable enemies.

Note - Parrying doesn't feat on unblockable attacks which are signaled by a red aura approximately an enemy. Here, the by yourself solution is to dodge.

How to correct the era of the day?

It is categorically simple - keep the button that allows you to zeal occurring era (the touchpad upon PS4 and the Options button upon Xbox One).

You don't have to purchase any abilities to keenness up time. You can then switch amongst night and day (you can accomplish that as many era as you want). However, this out of the ordinary can lonely be used behind you aren't case later anyone and once you are outside of a restricted zone (indicated by the red color upon the summit of the screen).

How to leave the ship's helm?

During your era on seas you can believe to be that you desire to leave your ship's deck even before you reach a harbor or additional interactive location. There is a way to get that - press Triangle upon the PS4 gamepad and Y upon the Xbox One. This unorthodox is useful when, i.e. you can't find a port on an island or you have just discovered an underwater location and you want to scrutinize it.

How to reset the skills?

Assassin's Creed: Odyssey allows resetting the skills at any tapering off of the game. You don't have to visit any NPC to complete that. Just entre the skills tally and after that press and maintain the left analog stick (L3). You will as a result reclaim all facility points and will be adept to spend them again.

Only reset the skills if you're playing on a later difficulty, where having exactly the right skills is crucial. upon low and usual difficulties, it's greater than before just to wait until getting to the next level to buy a additional skill. You can always keep the game past buying other skills. If you don't like what you get - reload the game and reconsider.

Can you pet a dog in Assassin's Creed Odyssey?

No, Assassin's Creed Odyssey unfortunately doesn't allow the option of petting dogs or additional domesticated animals. AC Odyssey offers the opportunity to buy a inborn master skill, which allows you to anemic wild animals and rely on their retain during combat. The technique of taming wildlife is described on the page Can animals be tamed? in the FAQ chapter of our guide.

How to mount a horse in Assassin's Creed Odyssey?

It is very simple to do. log on a horse and press the relationships button - Triangle on PS4 and Y upon XONE. You can even mount horses that don't belong to your character.

You can furthermore acquire on your horse automatically after you call it. Press and maintain the button to call your horse (down on the d-pad). keep this button until your quality mounts their horse.

How to on fire a horse in Assassin's Creed Odyssey?

There are two attainable ways to descend a horse:

Hold the circle button (PS4) / B button (XONE) / E key (PC) - you should use this all right pretentiousness of dismounting in most situations.

Use a amalgamation of buttons L1+X (PS4) / LB+A (XONE) - it allows you to jump from your horse. This is useful if you want to begin executive right after you end the horse. Also, you may speedily hop to a clear opponent.

The Sparta Kick has to be assigned to one of four buttons on the pad. This can be X, which gives you the incorporation L1+X upon PS4 and LB+X on Xbox. In order to behave the Sparta Kick, you craving at least adrenaline bar filled. Adrenaline is generated conveniently by hitting enemies.

The Sparta Kick is most useful to throwing enemies off rooftops and high ledges. motivate it, past an enemy is standing near an edge. Falling from a considerable summit can slay even a powerful enemy. This makes it the absolute talent for killing difficult enemies. You can after that cruelty this ability. Just ignite the foe by hitting them in the same way as an arrow, or helpfully revealing yourself to them. Then, lure them to a tall spot and attempt to kick them into the abyss.

Important note - Sparta Kick won't throw an enemy off of a rooftop or a ledge if their level is well along than yours (the difference of 2-3 levels or higher). The carrying out will single-handedly push that enemy backward. The foe will stay behind you upon the thesame rooftop/ledge.

Is there a hidden blade in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey?

Can my horse die permanently?

Your horse can die similar to you fall from great heights. However, you won't lose your horse permanently. Wait about one minute (you can keep walking on foot) and then press the button that allows you to call your mount. The horse should appear shortly. The "new" horse will be the similar as the previous one - you won't lose the animal's cosmetic items.

How to statute the Sparta Kick?

The Sparta Kick is probably the most recognizable move in the game. It's the renowned kick of Leonidas from the movie 300. good news is that the Sparta Kick can be unlocked right at the second level of experience. This is one of the starting skills for the Warrior category.

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